Saturday, May 18, 2013

Flashing lights, pointing arrows, and a slice of humble pie!

Things are happening faster than we thought they would. We accepted an offer on our house on Saturday, and on Wednesday morning, I was asked if I was leaving my job and moving. And then again later that afternoon. I'm calling that three days... In a small town, news certainly travels fast.

I should back track just a bit. When this whole "let's move into a camper" thing started, I needed a sign that this is truly what God was calling us to do. You know what I mean? I needed flashing lights and pointing arrows. I was bold enough to pray that things would happen quickly (I actually asked for a week), and I prayed that things would happen easily. The day after having a realtor walk through, we got a call that went something like this: "If you are serious about selling your house, I may have a couple interested." We thought, sure, why not? We can always say no and change our minds. We showed the house once and less than a week later the house is sold without it ever being officially on the market. That was certainly quick and easy. Flashing lights and pointing arrows? Almost! I can't deny the answered prayer there. And that is just one example!

I'm not going to lie, immediately panic set in. Not an "Oh no, what are we doing?!" panic, but more of an "Oh no! How do you get rid of a house full of stuff in a few weeks!?" panic. I have had sleepless nights since accepting the offer. I am overwhelmed. I can't help but lay in bed (both anxious and excited!) and mentally make my way through each room: that goes with us, store that, sell that, throw that away, give that away. I would really like to skip the next few weeks and the whole moving process and just be settled in our new "camper" home. But I am continually reminded (thanks to our precious friends and family) that God's got this. Several verses keep surfacing... one is 1 Timothy 6:6-8 "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that." And Philippians 4:11 "...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." Don't you love it when God gives you verses just when you need them? Friends, I have been claiming these verses during my sleepless nights as my mind meanders through each room in the house. I am convinced that this "pruning" of our stuff is part of what God is calling us to do.

This past week has been very humbling. As word gets around that we are moving, when we are asked why, as we try to explain God's calling into our lives, there have been all kinds of varied reactions. It has become obvious to me that some people are going to get what we are doing, and some people are just not. Many do not understand wanting to downsize, simplify, or our passion for spreading God's word on the road as our family tours the U.S. in a fifth wheel camper. Many do not understand that there is no other reason for this new plan other than we WANT to do this, we feel CALLED to do this. I have to remind myself that the things of this world and others opinions of my family should not matter. But hearing a few (and it has only been a few, so far) co-workers and friends make harsh, under-their-breath comments about our family's plan is hard. But, we will stand firm in our obedience to our calling, and take peace in knowing we are doing the right thing, and trust that He will be walking with us as we clear out and sort through the things we once thought we could not live without.

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