Saturday, July 20, 2013

Loooooong Time Coming

So, it's been a little while since I've posted. My only excuse, the moving process was very ugly. For me. I knew it would be hard, but I had no idea the emotional roller coaster I was in for. I really don't remember this much turmoil and heartache and excitement over a move before. Although, this move was a little bit different. Quite honestly, I didn't have much to say. Or write, in this case. My mama always said, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all." Or, "If you can't blog anything nice (or positive, or uplifting...), the don't blog anything at all." Yup. That applies nicely. Trust me, the process wasn't pretty. And maybe someone out there needed to read my struggles, but I'm sure they'll all come out in the next few posts.

Where to begin over the last month? How about with vacation. We took a pause from packing and sorting and selling to enjoy some much needed family time in one of our favorite vacation spots in the U.S. Well, favorites so far. I'm sure at the end of our adventures, we will have tons more favorites! Anyway, we were able to get away and not think about "The Move." Then we come back and chaos hits. We have been blessed with the most amazing friends and neighbors who helped us clear out of our house in one evening. We moved most of our things into our little rental across the street. And then that's where the progress halted. And we are still here at the rental across the street. And now my in-laws have moved to the area and are living with us. That's 8 people sharing one bathroom, folks. That's all I'm going to say about that.

But... we do have our new home! We have slowly started moving and sorting things into our new 5th Wheel. Whew! I have waaaay to much stuff still. I need to part with more. And I think I'm finally ready to do that. With just a LITTLE more. As I sit here and type, my wonderful Hubby is outside on this crazy hot Kansas afternoon laying wire and installing electrical outlets so we can actually stand to stay in there for more than 15 minutes. At 96 degrees inside the camper, I'm pretty sure I might know what it might feel like to be in an oven. IF all goes well, and we don't hit anymore snags, we will be sleeping in our new AIR CONDITIONED home tonight!

So there's a quick update... there is too much to cover in the few minutes I have to sit and think and write. More to come, I promise.

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